Coastal Cleanup Day 2022

Mendocino Land Trust has served as the County coordinator for the annual state-wide Coastal Cleanup Day since 2002. Each year, more and more people come together to join in this effort.

Visit this page for the full list of 2022 Coastal Cleanup sites. Want to make sure you remember? Request an email reminder here.


Seaside Beach Cleanup 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Mendocino Land Trust

Ten Mile Dunes Cleanup 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Mendocino Coast Audobon

MacKerricher Beach at Ward Avenue 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Surfriders

Virgin Creek Beach 9 am – 11 am hosted by North Coast Brewing Company (meet at the brewery at 8:30 am to bike or carpool to the beach!)

Glass Beach Cleanup 9am – 12 pm hosted by City of Fort Bragg

Noyo Headlands Park 9:30 am – 12 pm hosted by Latino Outdoors North Coast Chapter and Blue Zones. Please email Esme at and let her know if you plan to come. (Group will meet at the entrance of Noyo Headlands Park on West Cypress St.)

Noyo River Boating Cleanup 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Liquid Fusion Kayaking (We launch from the ramp at Dolphin Isle Marina at 9am. Please call ahead if you would like to rent a kayak)

Hare Creek Beach 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Mendocino Land Trust (RSVPs appreciated by using this form or emailing – we will meet in the Mendo College Coast Center parking lot)

Caspar Beach 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Coastal Mendocino Association of Realtors

Big River Beach 10 am – 12 pm hosted by MendoParks and Mendocino Mermaids

Navarro Beach 9 am – 12 pm hosted by Golden Brands

Noyo Harbor Beach 9 am – 12 pm hosted by the Noyo Center and  Mendocino Coast Children’s Fund

Point Arena Cove 9 am – 12 pm hosted by City of Point Arena

Cook’s Beach 9 am – 11 am hosted by Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. Please RSVP at

Busy on Saturday? Well, consider helping RCLC at Mill Bend on Friday or LEAG at Van Damme on Monday:

Mill Bend  FRIDAY SEPT 16 9 am – 11 am hosted by Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. Please RSVP at

Van Damme Beach 10 am – 11:30 am Monday, September 19 hosted by Little River Environmental Action Group

More info: