Our Projects
Bear Gulch Habitat Enhancement
"Salmon are so emblematic of the Pacific Northwest and this part of California. Their significance transcends deep back into native…
Big River Estuary and Watershed
Mendocino Land Trust, with terrific community support, has protected hundreds of acres of coastal lands from logging or development and…
Brandon Gulch Salmon Habitat
Funding for this salmon habitat enhancement project in Brandon Gulch was granted in December 2021. Planning and permitting will take…
Chamberlain Creek Salmon Habitat
In 2021, the Mendocino Land Trust submitted a proposal to design a new crossing on Chamberlain Creek to replace a…
Hare Creek and Bunker Gulch Salmon Habitat Enhancement
In 2019, MLT's Director of Stewardship, Nicolet Houtz, coordinated salmon habitat restoration projects along Hare Creek and Bunker Gulch (a…
James Creek Fish Barrier Modification
In late 2018, Mendocino Land Trust completed a lengthy coho salmon habitat restoration project on James Creek, a tributary in the…
Nelson Gulch Culvert Replacement
The Nelson Gulch culvert replacement project was the last part of Big River Haul Road Salmon Restoration project that the Mendocino…
Parlin Creek Dam Removal
In 2014, at the request of Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF), the Mendocino Land Trust contracted Pacific Watershed Associates to…
Trout Unlimited Project at MLT’s Noyo River Redwoods
This project was completed by the fantastic Trout Unlimited's North North Coast Coho Project in 2020. This massive undertaking to restore…
Salmon Recovery Projects
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