Pelican Bluff 10th Anniversary Hike! (Postponed d/t Weather-New Date TBA)
Pelican Bluff 10th Anniversary Hike! (Postponed d/t Weather-New Date TBA)
Come celebrate the 10th anniversary of MLT’s acquisition of Pelican Bluffs (date TBA). We’ll be taking a hike starting at 11 am and wrapping things up by 2 pm.
The hike is open to the public. Bring anyone you’d like! MLT will have a small table set up with warm drinks and snacks. We also will be selling a batch of the 10th Anniversary T-shirts and stickers. Those who would rather not participate in the long hike can enjoy the short loop trail or stick around the table to chat with folks.
Getting There: This preserve is south of Point Arena. Watch for mile marker 14.3 at the north end of the preserve and mile marker 13.5 at the south end of the preserve. Parking lot is near the south end of the preserve.
For more Information about Pelican Bluffs, please check out this link,
If you can’t attend, but still want to purchase our cool T-shirts (designed by our own Anna Bride), please use this link.
We hope to see you there, rain OR shine.
Questions? Contact