Community Programs
Mendocino County is a unique blend of forests, ranches, farms and, of course, our wild and scenic coastline. All of these elements are vital parts to our quality of life and local economy. Preservation of these lands has been our mission for more than 40 years. But preserving Mendocino County goes beyond conserving the lands. It involves the whole community working together to steward the land and to create the next generation of people who will continue to care.
In that light, Mendocino Land Trust is dedicated to offering our members and the Mendocino community, residents, and visitors the opportunity to connect with our land and to learn what it takes to steward them.
Please join us at an upcoming event and experience the value of preserving our magnificent rural lands.

Trails and Guided Walks
Doing your own thing? Use our popular trail guide to help you plan your adventure on Mendocino Coastal trails.
Prefer to go with a group of like-minded folks? Join the MLT Outdoor Social Club! You’ll find scheduled adventures on our events page. How do you join the club? Just join our email list.

Family Field Trips
Mendocino Land Trust is excited to announce that in March 2022 we received a grant from the Community Foundation of Mendocino County to offer outreach and naturalist-led field trips to families with young children. We are especially interested in engaging with segments of our community that historically have not received equal access to parks and nature programs.

Youth Groups
Mendocino Land Trust engages with many school and summer camp groups to teach about conservation and land stewardship. If you would like to have your school, community or workplace group join us for a day on the land, please contact our office at (707) 962-0470 or send an email to
You can also read about our longstanding partnership with Anchor Academy through Fort Bragg High School.

Coastal Cleanup Day!
Mendocino Land Trust has served as the County coordinator for the annual state-wide Coastal Cleanup Day since 2002. Each year, more and more people come together to join in this effort. If you are interested in participating on the third Saturday in September this year, please email We are always looking for new site captains, especially those interested in organizing a cleanup site along a river or creek.