2025 Wild & Scenic Film Festival

We look forward to seeing our inland friends in Willits and Ukiah. We hope these thought-provoking films will foster a deeper understanding of our connection with the planet, highlight some of the challenges we face, and help us all to evaluate and reinforce our role as stewards in keeping our planet healthy for future generations.

You can view the trailer here and read more about the films below.






Bonterra Organic Estates

Jan Hoyman Studio

Public support helps us make possible sensitive habitat restoration and wildlife conservation projects like the conservation of Behren’s silverspot butterfly, a federally endangered species.

Your donations allow us to take on important projects in Mendocino County, whether it is planned work on public access and new trails like the Great Redwood Trail near Willits, or conservations projects like the recently protected 16,000 acres along Big River and Salmon Creek.

Inland, we are currently protecting the 1,300-acre James Ranch in Sherwood Valley near Willits. With your support, state agency partnerships, foundation and private donors, we are building a coalition to conserve another 7,000-acre ranch on the Eel River near Willits.

To help make these and many other projects possible, donate below.