Mendocino Land Trust Statement on Social Justice
June 10, 2020

The staff and board of the Mendocino Land Trust are appalled by recent and past incidents of racial injustice in our country. Prejudice, hate, bigotry and violence against people of color are abhorrent, and we pledge to do what we can to reach our nation’s goal of true equality for everyone.
The Mendocino Land Trust strongly believes in the healing power of nature. Our mission is to make our trails, beaches and public access properties available to all. Standing in the midst of old-growth redwoods, listening to the waves crash on the beach, hiking on our trails – all transcend society’s most negative impulses and reinforce the fact that we are all equal and worthy.
At the same time, we recognize that the conservation movement has not always made social justice an imperative. With such shocking evidence of our nation’s inequalities fresh in our minds, we at the Land Trust vow do more to find a solution – we must attract board members, staff and volunteers who share our vision and view of social justice and work harder to make sure our protected lands serve the entire community.
Know that we are committed to working on behalf of all people – all races, ethnicities, sexualities and ages – to preserve the natural world we live in. This is our priority – and we hope you will join us in making it happen.