Old Smith Ranch Trail Update
January 30, 2020

If you have driven by Ten Mile anytime in the past few months, you’ve probably noticed the caution tape and traffic cones just off the highway. This is the parking lot for our newest public access trail and picnic area: the Old Smith Ranch Preserve and Trail. Immediately south of the parking lot will be a lovely clearing with picnic tables and sweeping views of the MacKerricher dunes and the ocean beyond. To the north, a short section of new trail will connect the parking lot to a 1.5 mile stretch of old logging road. The road has been opened up to offer a moderately steep but smooth walk down to the river with stunning views of the estuary. The trail then turns inland for an easy, flat, riverside stroll. The parking lot, picnic area and trail are not open to the public just yet, as we are still working on trail safety and signage, but we promise to announce the opening date soon. Stay tuned!
Here’s a sneak peek: