Our Summer 2018 Interns
June 22, 2018
Every year we look forward to working with the next generation of conservation leaders as part of our growing internship program. This summer we were joined by Claire Brase, our Paul Siegel Salmon Restoration Intern from Reed College; Maggie Davies, a second intern from Reed College this year; and Marisa McGrew from Humboldt State University, whose internship was funded by a grant from the National Land Trust Alliance.
Together, they have been working with our Conservation Team on a variety of projects, including an invasive plant inventory at Pelican Bluffs, instream habitat monitoring at our various salmon restoration project sites, community outreach, and helping with grant writing and stewardship of our many trails and properties. They have had a great summer and we can’t believe it has gone by so quickly!
Installing signage

Fixing boardwalks

Stream monitoring

Community outreach

Trail day at Pelican Bluffs

Happy Trails Claire, Maggie, and Marisa!