Noyo River Redwoods
The Mendocino Land Trust (MLT) acquired the Noyo River Redwoods property in 2012, in partnership with Save the Redwoods League (SRL) and the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB).This 426-acre property includes 123 acres of old-growth redwood and Douglas fir. It represents roughly 30 percent of all remaining old growth in the Noyo River watershed of Mendocino County—and it is now protected forever. Noyo River Redwoods is located about four miles west of Willits. At this point access to the preserve is limited to guided tours. To support our mission, click here. To follow the latest in trail information in our newsletter, click here.
The Mendocino Land Trust’s vision for the property is driven by two objectives
- Old-growth stands and legacy old-growth are managed as a “Forest Reserve.”
- Non-reserve areas shall be managed to promote late-seral stage forest development through the use of restoration forestry tools.
In addition to old-growth redwood stands and other important natural resources, the Noyo River Redwoods property offers exceptional cultural and recreational resources. The complete vision for the property is to restore, protect and preserve the unique natural and cultural resources, while at the same time providing for managed public access. Access to this remote area is challenging, currently requiring travel on very rough private dirt roads. There is potential to bring visitors to this property via train. Stay tuned!