Parlin Creek Dam Removal
In 2014, at the request of Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF), the Mendocino Land Trust contracted Pacific Watershed Associates to undertake this dam removal project, including design, layout, and heavy equipment supervision. The project implemented fish passage and sediment reduction treatments for two old dams in the Parlin Creek project area and the installation of a single large woody debris structure in Parlin Creek. The project was funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fisheries Restoration Grant Program, with matching funds from JDSF. We decommissioned one old, failing wooden dam and one old concrete dam that was a partial barrier to upstream salmonid migration, and we oversaw the relocation and replumbing of both the domestic water supply line and the agriculture water supply line. A single, 4-log wood structure was also embedded into the left bank directly upstream of the new agriculture water supply in order to protect the standpipe that houses the submersible water pump.