Pelican Bluffs Trail
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This stunning preserve is owned and operated by the Mendocino Land Trust. It is located south of Point Arena offers 2.2 miles of public trails, with a parking lot just west of Highway One near the southeastern end of the property. There are spectacular ocean views from very high white cliffs on this property. These cliffs are very steep, making it essential to stay on the trail. There is also a short (0.5 mile) flat loop trail that wraps through bishop pines and an open meadow.
This 73-acre preserve is home to endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver and several rare plants, as well as a creek that is recovering from cattle grazing and Bishop pine forest. Check out this video about Pelican Bluffs before you visit:
The Mendocino Land Trust gratefully recognizes Trail Keeper sponsors of this location:
- Noyo Harbor Inn
- Rossi Building Materials
- Sonoma Clean Power
Getting There: This preserve is south of Point Arena. Watch for mile marker 14.3 at the north end of the preserve and mile marker 13.5 at the south end of the preserve. Parking lot is near the south end of the preserve.